By using this website, you agree to the following conditions:

1. Matrix Health Line and its associates provide lifestyle education, consulting and support, and does not function as or hold itself out as a physician, does not diagnose or treat disease, does not practice medicine, nor do the services offered replace the services of a licensed physician.

2. Matrix Health Line and its associates make no representations, claims, or guarantees regarding the efficiency of the treatments and recommendations. The recommendations are based upon a combination of training, education, experience and knowledge of applicable literature. A consultation as provided by Matrix Health Line and its associates does not constitute a medical service or health care treatment.

3. You have the opportunity and responsibility to ask questions via the communication channels provided on this website, using online resources, and via consultation with your medical care providers to make decisions that you determine to support your well-being.

4. You take full responsibility for your own life and well-being, including all decisions made during and after consultations with Matrix Health Line and its associates.

5. You assume the risk of implementing any suggestions made by Matrix Health Line and its associates, including the risks inherent in making lifestyle changes.

6. Individualized recommendations are offered and applied as an informative consultation. Any action taken as a result of the consultation is done at your sole discretion and risk. You further agree to maintain a professional relationship with one or more physicians qualified to care for your health condition(s), and you agree that all of Matrix Health Line and its associates recommendations will be approved by at least one physician prior to implementation.

7. Matrix Health Line and/or its associates do not advise you to discontinue treatments with any other medical specialists or other health care providers.

8. You are fully responsible for payment for all services received from Matrix Health Line and its associates. Matrix Health Line and its associates are not contracted with any insurance companies and do not bill said insurance companies for services.

9. You hereby release Matrix Health Line and its associates, including all heirs and assigns, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which you have or may have in the future against Matrix Health Line and its associates, arising from your past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, your work with Matrix Health Line.

10. If there ever arises a dispute between yourself and Matrix Health Line and its associates with respect to the services provided pursuant to this agreement or otherwise pertaining to the relationship between us, your exclusive remedy is to submit to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator. The sole remedy that can be awarded to you in the event that an award is granted is refund of Matrix Health Line and/or its associates service fees. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no award of attorney fees, or consequential or other damages, may be granted to you.

11. This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of New Jersey. In the event that any provision of this agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining portions of the agreement shall be severed and remain in full force.